Blue Tongue Skink FAQ

Difficulty level : Beginner
Start up cost: $ $ $
Q1: What size tank/ enclosure should I get?
A: Babies: 20 gallon breeder tanks. Adults: 40-75 gallon breeder tanks.
Q2: What should I have set up in this enclosure for my NBTS?
Q3: What type of lighting set up does my NBTS require?
Q4: What humidity levels does my NBTS require?
A: 50-60% humidity within the enclosure. For people in dryer areas, mist once a day. May vary on the overall environment. Please feel free to call for specific directions based on your location.
Q5: What were we feeding this NBTS at Tikis Geckos?
A: High quality wet dog food mixed with veggies. Repashy Grub Pie/ Bluey Buffet can also be mixed in with diets.
Q6: What are some treats I can introduce to my NBTS?
A: Any type of insect (worms/crickets/roaches). Frozen, thawed out rodents. Make sure to limit the amount of treats monthly. Do not overfeed rodents to avoid obesity problems for your animal.
Q7: How often should I be feeding my NBTS?
A: Babies should be fed 3-4 times a week. Adults should be fed once a week.
Q8: What type of supplements should I include in my animals diet?
A: Calcium with D3 along with multivitamin with every feeding.
Q9: How long can my NBTS live for?
A: Your NBTS can live 20+ with proper care
Q10: How big can my NBTS get?
A: Your NBTS can max out at about 2 feet.
Q11: At what age will my NBTS reach sexual maturity?
A: As early as 9 months, but on average they will reach it at about 1 ½ years.
Q12: At what age should I be able to know the sex of my NBTS?
A: They are a hard animal to determine their sex, even as adults. You would have to breed your skink to determine the sex of your pet.
Q13: Is my NBTS a solitary animal? Can I put my NBTS in the same enclosure with another animal?
A: These are solitary species of animals. Do not cohabit or pair with other NBTS unless you are trying to breed.
Q14: What are some signs I should look for if there is something wrong with my NBTS?
A: If your NBTS is looking lethargic, shedding issues, if limbs become swollen, starts to develop any deformities, diarrhea or obesity issues, etc. Please contact us with photos and videos if you start to notice any of these symptoms.
Q15: I just received my NBTS, what should I do now?
A: Once you take your NBTS out of its shipping box, place your animal in its enclosure and leave it alone for the first 48 hours to lessen stress levels for your animal. Make sure to have water available. Offer food after 24 hours , and you can start handling when the animal starts eating and pooping regularly. If the skink is cold DO NOT place it directly under the heat. Let it acclimate at room temperature and the skink will gradually move to the heat when its ready.