Leopard Gecko FAQ

Difficulty level: Beginner
Start up cost: $
Q1: What size tank/ enclosure should I get?
A: Babies: 10 gallon glass tank. Adult: 10-20 gallon glass tank.
Q2: What should I have set up in the enclosure for my leopard gecko?
A: Dry substrate such as paper towels, newspaper, reptile carpet, sand can be used but please use with caution to prevent impaction. Provide hides/caves, large rocks, and humid hides.
Q3: What type of lighting set up does my leopard gecko require?
A: No lighting is required. Provide a heating pad / under tank heater with a hot spot of 88-90 degrees. ** Connect to a thermostat.
Q4: What humidity levels does my leopard gecko require?
A: 40% humidity levels are necessary
Q5: What were we feeding this leopard gecko at Tikis Geckos?
A: Variety of insects including mealworms, crickets, and roaches.
Q6: What are some treats I can introduce to my leopard gecko?
A: Wax worms, hornworms, black soldier larva.
Q7: How often should I be feeding my leopard gecko?
A: Babies: Everyday to every other day. Adults: 2-3 times a week.
Q8: What type of supplements should I include in my pets diet?
A: Calcium with D3 and multivitamins
Q9: How long can my leopard gecko live for?
A: With proper care, Leopard geckos can live up to 15 years old.
Q10: How big can my leopard gecko get?
A: Adults on average can reach up to 8-9 inches.
Q11: At what age will my pet reach sexual maturity?
A: On average, they can reach sexual maturity at 1 year old.
Q12: At what age should I be able to know the sex of my gecko?
A: At 6-8 months, Leopard geckos can start to develop bulges at the base of their tails.
Q13: Is my gecko a solitary animal? Can I put my gecko in the same enclosure with another gecko?
A: Leopard geckos prefer to be alone, however you can keep breeding groups with up to 1 male in the group. You can keep female groups in larger enclosures with proper set up as well.
Q14: What are some signs I should look for if there is something wrong with my gecko?
A: If the gecko is looking lethargic, has shedding issues, if limbs become swollen, sunken eyes, thinning out, etc. Please contact us with photos and videos if you start to notice any of these symptoms.
Q15: I just received my leopard gecko, what should I do now?
A: Once you take your animal out of its shipping box, place your leopard gecko in its enclosure and leave it alone for the first 24 hours to lessen stress levels for your animal. Make sure to have water available. Offer food after 24 hours, and you can start handling when the animal starts eating and pooping regularly.